15th GeneMappers Conference 2021
The organising committee thanks you for joining us virtually for the 15th GeneMappers meeting, held from the 23rd to 25th of June 2021. This meeting bought together Australian and New Zealand researchers to hear cutting edge research into genetic epidemiology and GWAS, population genetics, analysis of rare variants, Mendelian and familial conditions, functional genomics, and Mendellian randomisation. The recorded talks from this conference can be found below.
Click here to download the official 2021 program
We gratefully acknowledge support and assistance from:
The University of Queensland
The University of Queensland Institute for Molecular Bioscience
The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute
GeneMappers 2021 is supported by our Principal Hosting Sponsor Illumina:

And by our silver sponsors Fisher Biotec and AGRF:

Prof. Eske Derks, Assoc. Prof. Matthew Law & Dr. Nicole Warrington
Welcome and opening comments. Acknowledgement of country was delivered by Gregory Pratt, manager of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research at QIMR
Prof. Melanie Bahlo
Renaissance of repeat expansions: more than just a monogenic spectacle
Assoc. Prof. Matthew Law
Session 1: Functional genomics
Assoc. Prof. Tracy O'Mara
Yang Wu
Brittany Mitchell
Sarahi Rivera
Ting Qi
Alan Rubin
Dr. Sonia Shah
Using genomics to investigate the effects of statins on depression
Prof. Murray Cairns
Prof. Danielle Posthuma
From GWAS to function
Prof. Eske Derks
Prof. Benjamin Neale
Progress in Understanding the Genetic Basis of
Mental Illnesses
Prof. Sarah Medland
Session 2: GWAS and complex disease genetics I
Dr. Zachary Gerring
Swapnil Tichkule
Sally Mortlock
Danielle Adams
Matthew Wakefield
Session 3: Analysis of
low-frequency variants
Dr. Nicholas Blackburn
Huanwei Wang
Erandee Robertson
Paul Dunn
Antony Kaspi
Kim Ngan Tran
Assoc. Prof. Mark Cowley
Integrating Whole Genome and RNA
sequencing for national-scale precision
medicine for children with cancer
Dr. Carol Dobson-Stone
Session 4: GWAS and complex disease
genetics II
Prof. David Evans
Md Rafiqul Islam
Jackson Thorp
Evgeniia Golovina
Jacqueline Kiewa
Prof. Anne Cust
Results from the Melanoma Genomics
Managing Your Risk Study – a PRS-based RCT
assessing impact on behaviours and
psychological outcomes
Dr. Julia Steinberg
Poster Lightning Session I
Assoc. Prof. Matthew Law
Anna Freydenzon
Geoffrey English
Enda Byrne
Richard Campbell
Victoria Jackson
Jue Sheng Ong
Poster Lightning Session II
Prof. Eske Derks
Liliana Ciobanu
Jose Morosoli
Xiaodong Mo
Michael Geaghan
Karen Mather
Ang Li
Poster Lightning Session III
Dr. Nicole Warrington
Alesha Hatton
Guiyan Ni
Maria Pia Campagna
Patrick Wang
William Reay
Longfei Wang
Thomas Patrick Klemm
Illumina Platinum Sponsor - New Technology Talk
Assoc. Prof. Matthew Law
Session 5: Methods development and
Dr. Victoria Jackson
Anubhav Kaphle
Yuanxiang Zhang
Valentin Hivert
Daniel Hwang
Assis. Prof. Po-Ru Loh
Protein-altering variants with large phenotypic
effects: rare SNPs and common VNTRs
Dr. Loic Yengo
Conference close
Prize awards.
Planning for next GeneMappers.
Closing remarks.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander leadership in genomics
We would like to bring to your attention three important pieces that showcase Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander leadership in the genomics space and the importance of partnership for research more generally:
AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research
2019-Indigenous-Health-Genomics-Guide-v9-WEB.pdf (qimrberghofer.edu.au)
Online Poster Sessions
Conference prize winners
Student Poster Award
1st Prize: Maria Campagna
Runner up: Shannon D-Urso
Poster <5 years PhD
1st Prize: Joana Revez
Joint Runner up: Zachary Gerring and Longfei Wang
Student oral presentation
1st Prize: Jackson Thorp
Runner up: Anubhav Kaphle
Oral presentation <5 years post PhD
1st Prize: Sally Mortlock
Runner up: Huanwei Wang
Oral presentation 5-10 years post PhD
Joint 1st Prize: Puya Gharahkhani and Alan Rubin